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Sync Rowing


I created this app and logo for a patented device that helps rowing teams improve their unity and performance. Through research and iteration, I structured the app to help users access each rowing session efficiently and intuitively. By looking at competitors, similar applications, and user interviews, I was able to learn a lot more about common UX patterns and accessibility standards. As an addition, I also included some screens that show what a coaches perspective would be on the app, instead of just the rowers.


View Full Prototype

Client: Engineer / Patent Holder

Length: 3 weeks

Completed in: Summer 2022

Role: End-to-end design including research, content organization, logo design, iteration, wireframing, prototyping, user testing, and final presentation.

The Challenge

Sync Rowing was a company designed around a device that was able to detect rowers movements and provide feedback that would help align rowers for a more powerful stroke. The challenge was to take the data collected from this device and display it to users in a productive way. The app would be used in some cases to analyze performance but also on-the-go during competitions and practices.

Design Process

Research: For this project, I had to learn a lot about rowing terminology, how rowers use past performances to improve, and what their workflow was when using various devices to track performance. Below are some pages of notes, but overall research included:

  • Looking at other devices and companies that are helping rowing teams improve

  • Interviewing current rowers about current tools, what is working and what can be improved

  • Interviewing rowing coaches about what they expect from these devices and how they are used in practices and competitions

  • Looking at fitness apps and other apps that assist personal improvement


Major Considerations / Design Pivots: 

  • I went through a lot of iteration for showing the boat and users place. Instead of using the wireframes, I decided to make the illustration more simple and functional. This both saved space on the screen and seemed more consistent with the overall visual language.

  • Because this app would allow users to view their own individual performance, I expanded the profile tab to include a summary of performance for all recorded races

Final Prototype


This project was one of my first end-to-end design projects, and I learned a lot about how to explain my work and decisions to people that don't necessarily come from a design background. It was very interesting and challenging at times to have to create a product that I couldn't relate to the users in the ways that were important to the design. However, being able to learn so much about a sport that I otherwise wouldn't really be engaging with was a great experience.

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